Who knew that the school car rider line would instill such a sense of anxiety in my bones! Honestly, for those of you who have been there maybe you can relate. First, you need to prepare to either wake up at the crack of dawn or be faced with a crazy line that weaves in and out of traffic and around the school parking lot. Secondly, you better know where to pull or else you will swiftly be directed to move up/stop/etc. Finally, your child needs to be able to bolt from the car at lightning speeds and generally by his or herself. If you have a Kindergartner then you realize what is being asked of you and your child. Graham pretty much struggles to get the back pack on and open the door, much less unbuckle a 5-point harness in 2.5 seconds! So, after the first week of school I knew we had to find a way to make part of this process a little more manageable . So, when we were given the opportunity to review the Britax Parkway SGL I was excited for a simpler solution with a brand we know and trust.
The Parkway SGL was exactly what we were looking for. It features the trusted True Side Impact Protection that we have grown to love from Britax. I think this is one of the things that sets this booster apart from others. It also took my husband under a minute to secure the seat to the car with the ISOFLEX latch system. The seat is not budging! Also, I’m not sure I have seen this feature on any other booster seat: SecureGuard. SecureGuard is a simple idea that allows you to slip the lap belt under it in order to prevent your child from slipping out of the seat belt. The headrest is quick and easy to move when your child grows and color coded seat belt guides help ensure you are positioning the seat properly. What if you decide you don’t want the back rest? Simple, just remove it with a few clicks. Graham really appreciates the cup holders and I appreciate the fact that they are retractable which creates more room when they are not in use. Since Graham can use the cars seatbelt for this seat, he can easily buckle and unbuckle himself saving our sanity in the car rider line! The Parkway SGL is made for children who weigh 40-120 pounds so make sure you weigh your kids before switching over. You can purchase this booster for about $149.
Overall, we have been completely impressed with this booster. Not only is it functional for our needs, but it is safe and keeps Graham comfortable. He actually asked if we could get one for daddy’s car as well! I think he really enjoys the independence.
Recipe for Safe Travel
Looking for a few tips on keeping your child his or her safest on the road? Here are some great tips from Sarah Tilton (child passenger safety advocate):
Here are 9 essential ingredients for a successful car ride:
1-2 convertible car seats and/or booster seats (depending on number of kids)
4-5 Rockabye Baby Music CDs
10 soft toys
1 dash of sanity
6 water –filled sippy cups
4 different healthy snacks (options!)
2 window shades
As parents, our job is to keep our kids as safe as possible. The main ingredient of this recipe is a good, reliable car seat. In addition to being safe, the kid needs to be comfortable. Really comfortable. Look for a seat that adapts as your child grows and is designed with revolutionary head safety features that are clearly labeled and visible.
Wherever your travels may take you, be sure to check out new car seat laws. You may be headed for a state that requires children to be restrained in a car seat until age 8. A ticket is not on the list of ingredients, and will likely spoil anyone’s travel appetite. With the “boost” of a booster, junior’s body will fit safely under the seat belt and he’ll be able to see out the window better.
Within what feels like minutes of leaving, your toddler may (will) start to squirm. Before leaving, make a list of playgrounds and rest stops along your route and stop every 2 hours. To entertain rear-facing car seat riders, give them soft toys and soft books. Older kids should get to choose at least one (parent-approved) toy for the ride.
Let your toddler choose tunes and sing-a-longs that will keep him engaged and having fun. Keep in mind your travel time—and your sanity—and include something from Rockabye Baby Music.
If you can, make cruise time nap time. Remember to bring siesta accessories, such as pacifiers and blankies. It may be sunny–too sunny for a sleeper–so we suggest the Britax EZ-Cling Window Shades to keep little ones shielded from excessive rays and light.
This wouldn’t be a true recipe without food! Make sure your riders are happy and well fed before taking off. Nobody wants to drive with a hungry grouch. Keep water and easy-to-open-and-access snacks near your toddler.
Enjoy your trip!
*Find a local car seat check through SafeKids USA to insure proper car seat installation!
Now one lucky Go Graham Go reader will win a Britax Car Seat! Here’s How:
This product was provided free of charge by Britax. These are my honest opinions on the product. I do not post reviews on products I can not stand behind. Please see my Terms of Use for more info.
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I also like the frontier 85 SICT
I like the PAVILION 70-G3 too!
frontier 85.. Britax is a great brand!
We love our Britax “Chaperone”
We have babies in the family of all ages, from 10 months now to age 12. So what I’d like most to gift my son and kids is the this http://www.britaxusa.com/car-seats/frontier-85-sict
They have a 1 1/2 year old plus we have a 10 and 11 month old that are here alot, one lives with us and one comes 4 days a week. So for that age group we look to the mid size seats that are very safe and impact safe.
With a 5 and 7 year old who would appreciate this seat, the easy access and comfort, plus mostly the safety is something we look for. I know all the kids are growing and they need all the various sizes of Britax safety seats!
love the chaperone(cow print) car seat
i love http://www.britaxusa.com/car-seats/frontier-85-sict
i like the Britax Marathon 70-G3
like the frontier 85
I like the Frontier 85 SICT seat.
Would LOVE this for my daughter and moving to the 3rd row. Would make life easier for sure!!
Love the red FRONTIER 85 SICT
I also like the ROUNDABOUT 50 CLASSIC
i like the frontier 85
I like the marathon classic!
the fronteir 85 would be perfect for keeping my 4yo restrained in a 5pt harness as long as possible
I have the Frontier 85 SICT for my son and we love it. I toured their headquarters and will NEVER put my child in anything but a Britax! 🙂
i like the ADVOCATE 70-G3
I like the Chaperone
button: http://akronugurl.blogspot.com/
I like the frontier 85
button: itsmomtime blogspot com
pinterest: chelleb40
google +: tabathia b
youtube: tabathia
I like the Classic Marathon.
I like the Frontier in Onyx
I love the Frontier 85 SICT in portobello
I like the Frontier 85 SICT.
I like the Frontier 85 SICT in Portebello
I like the Boulevard 70 G3
We have the Boulevard and I can’t speak highly enough of it! My daughter has been in it for years and it’s held up wonderfully. You can see how well it is built compared to cheaper seats. Britax makes good quality seats!
We love our Britax Boulevard!
We love our Britax Marathon.
pavilion 70-G3
Frontier 85
My favorite is the BOULEVARD 70-G3
I like the Britax Frontier 85 Combination Booster Car Seat
The Britax Pavilion 70-G3 Convertible Car Seat looks great!