Here is a super easy craft for you and your kids. The best part is that I can almost guarantee that you have the items you need on hand! Those are the best kind of crafts. The Coffee Filter Ghost will be created in less than about 3 minutes (depending upon your child’s fine motor skills) which makes this a great decoration idea! Create multiple ghosts to hang from the ceiling for an inexpensive decorating idea.
What you will need:
1 coffee filter
Small ball of tissue, toilet or other paper
String, yarn or twist tie
Black sharpie marker
Place your ball of tissue in the middle of the coffee filter to create the top of the ghost. Wrap the filter around. Tie your string or twist tie around as tight as possible to hold the tissue in place. Use your black marker to draw on the face of the ghost. Simple, cheap and easy! This is a great idea for Preschool crafts.
We made ghosts like this when I was a child, we used tootsie roll suckers with white Kleenex! So cute!
That’s a great idea!
thank you! We do a trunk or treat in a neighborhood where it is unsafe to go door to door. I wanted to make the candy a little special but we get 700 kids in a couple of hours. Your idea will make it possible to give them something more than just a piece of candy.