Are you ready for a fun history lesson? In 1950, Marianne Götz handcrafted beautiful dolls while her husband, Franz Götz, would sell them from a wagon he pulled with his bike. Six decades later, the second generation of Götz family members is still running the show. Isn’t that so cool? How many children’s companies today can say they are still true to their roots and strive to keep the magic and quality of their original product? Not many!
Now, together with Haba, the adored Götz doll line is available in the USA. What maks a Götz doll extraordinary is its hair, sculptured face, trendy clothing and its soft fabric or vinyl body. Unbenownst to me, their renowned doll hair can be washed, styled (even with a curling iron or blow dryer on low setting!) and brushed just like their owner’s hair! Any other doll hair would melt with this treatment. This makes a Götz doll perfect for children who love playing with doll hair. Make sure you check out the many Götz doll hair styling techniques on HABA’s YouTube channel; including Braids, Double Knot and Cornrows! There are some great tutorials even for me on how to do my own daughters’ hair!
A second bonus of every Götz doll is that they can be tossed in the washing machine should they ever get dirty! Um, yes. My children drag their babies around everywhere with them so this happens. All.the.time. (Please note: to properly wash a
Götz doll, place the doll in a pillowcase, turn the water to cold, delicate cycle, then let the doll lie, belly down, until dry).
I don’t know about you but the more I learn about Götz the more I am in love with their company–it is clear that Götz and Haba choose to concentrate on quality–and I know their dolls will withstand the test of time and well-loved play.
But the true test: would my girls fall in love with their dolls as much as I fell in love with the company?
We were thrilled to review the Maxy Muffin 16.5″ brunette. Costing $79.99, Muffin definitely seems a bit pricey. But we have three other designer dolls (ahem) that cost this much and the quality differences are astounding. Our Muffin (affectionately renamed Sally Orange) is of superior quality in every way–from her hair and facial expression to her clothes and detailing even down to the shoes. My daughters were thrilled to see that Muffin sports shoes strikingly similar to their Crocs!
All of our doll’s (and every Götz doll’s) garments are perfectly finished, i.e. button-holes, pockets, and embroidery, are realistic and not sewn on as applications. All three girls, ranging in age from 1.5 to 4.5 are in love with this doll. To the point that there might have been a few fights over who gets to play with her. She is just that great of a doll and it all boils down to the quality and care taken to craft this wonderful play friend.
my daughters would love a gotz doll. I know they would love the Maxi muffin 16.5
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